Church of Saints
Faustino and Giovita
Church of Saints Faustino and Giovita
The church of Saints Faustino and Giovita is dedicated to the patron saints of the city. The original building dates back to the end of the 6th century and was commissioned by Bishop Honorius. It was later destroyed, perhaps due to a fire, and the church was subsequently rebuilt by Bishop Anfido in 806. The bodies of the saints were then transported to the church which was consecrated in 841. The Church was rebuilt in the Romanesque era and various modifications followed, until it was completely demolished to make room for the new building, built in the 17th century.
The interior has a plan with three naves delimited by fourteen columns; the central nave, higher and covered with a barrel vault, opens onto the lateral ones through arches which give rhythm to the space in a solemn way.
The whole part of the walls is decorated in fresco, largely by the Brescia’s school of the 16th century.

Resurrection of Christ (1535)
Between the columns on the left, there is the processional banner of the Confraternity of Santissimo Sacramento by Romanino, which depicts the Resurrection of Christ on one side and St. Apollonius between St. Faustino and St. Giovita on the other. he banner was commissioned by the Scuola del Santissimo Sacramento of the church of San Faustino and originally kept in the chapel of the same name; it was used on the occasion of the Feast of Corpus Domini. Starting from the seventeenth century, the side with the Mass of Sant’Apollonio remained hidden because it was hung on the wall; today the banner is finally reassembled and restored.
The side depicting the scene of the Resurrection sees Christ triumphant as he leaves the tomb; the now empty tomb is surrounded by a group of sleeping Roman soldiers unaware of the great event. Against the background of a cloudy sky the dawn appears, rendered with delicate colours.
Mass of Sant’Apollonio (1535)
The side instead with the Mass of Sant’Apollonio tells an episode well known at the time, contained in the Legend of Saints Faustino and Giovita. One night Bishop Apollonius found himself without the tools to celebrate mass, while he was praying with Faustino and Giovita, miraculously freed from the prison where they had been locked up, a linen tablecloth, the wafers, a chalice and four lamps appeared. Romanino shows the bishop and the two holy knights in prayer, while they receive the Blessed Sacrament from two incensing little angels, among the crowd of faithful from Brescia in hopeful expectation and present at the miracle.
Info and opening hours
- Via San Faustino, 74, Brescia
Every day 7.30 - 13.00 | 15.00 - 19.00
Free admission